

Ready for Launch Details


Group is up and running as of January 2021. We meet 2 – 3:30 pm every Monday.

Sliding Scale Exchange for Group:

Sliding scale of $320 – $180 for each month.

There is a sliding scale for the exchange, knowing that people have a different ability to pay at this time and those who can afford more support those who have different capacities in this moment.

Exchange is due prior to the first meeting of each month and can be offered via one of the following options:

Payment preferred via Venmo – @Morgan-Rich-Beyonder

Paypal or Check are also options. Please email me for mailing address details.

Paypal – [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Questions/To Join:

If you find yourself drawn to becoming a Dynamic Dad, send me an email and we can set up a 15 minute phone call to answer your questions. Email [email protected] to get started.